We've reached the end of Love Month, and probably my daily blogging...don't be so relieved. =P But I'll try and put a couple up each week...if I can. I heard that next month is Green Month, I like that. I'll check into it. So here is my last Love Month post until 2011. I Love.... Myself....I guess Is that conceited? I mean, I know I'm not the center of anyone's universe or anything, but I think I'm pretty great. I'd probably be friends with myself. There's definitely things about myself I"m not super fond of but, since it's love month here's what I like: 1. My interesting past experiences. (I'm not super ashamed about them, I think they make me interesting, even now when I feel like I've lost most of my strange personality to being a grownup) - My old dress habits (Loved that UTA shirt) - Misc. criminal mischief and subsequent dealings with the justice system (I don't think I"ll list those.) ...
Just the thoughts, and musings of one very strange, unqualified person.